Monday, May 20, 2013

What is Alpha Kappa Rho?
A Fraternity organization Composed of men and women with common cause. its primary objective is to teach love, respect and leadership to its fellow brothers and sisters and to all mankind.

How come it was also known as a "SKEPTRON"?

A Skeptron is the Greek word of a "staff." symbolizes of great authorities. it was used by a sovereign persons like KINGS, POPE, BISHOP,& in the SENATE to emblem power. the ALPHA KAPPA RHO members are called as a SKEPTRON SOCIETY because every member is so important to stand and depend his group to any undesirable enemies of the state. a true Skeptron doesn't want any person to order him, he/she was the authority by his/her own.

6 Founder of Alpha Kappa Rho

  • Jun Pasaporte 
  • Boy Chua
  • William Ho
  • Roger Sarmiento
  • Joselito Manalo
  • Sonny Baluyo

The seal of this order shall be circular in outline consisting of an outer, middle, and an inner rim and the core or hub. The outer rim is set in a red background with the name of the institution, year of its foundation and its motto encrypted in bold yellow. The middle rim is set in silver while the inner rim is set similarly in a red with no encryption. The core or hub is likewise set in a silver background with the three Greek letters "AKP" for ALPHA KAPPA RHO encrypted in a continuous outline at the center in bold yellow.
The colors red, silver and gold signifies the devotion, conviction and boldness of this order's vision while the Greek letters or symbols "AKP" written in a continuous format signifies the infinity of this order's pursuit of its visions, principles and goals. the motto ' VINCIT OMNIA VERITAS' is written conspicuously in bold yellow on the outer rim of the seal. This seal must be prominently exhibited or displayed in all official meetings and activities of the order and shall likewise be used and/or affixed in all official instruments, papers, accouterments, artifice and other paraphernalia issued by, or under the authority of this fraternal order.

The thumb resting on the hand symbolizes the approval of a brother, the pointer finger, middle and ring, is Alpha Kappa Rho, touching the pulse, wrist and the mark (burn) symbolizes the entirety of your being as a skeptron, Burn= Born, Pulse= Live, Wrist= Die....
It also signifies the unity of the brethren, as it is alpha, kappa and rho who brings us all together....pinkie finger intertwining together translates that no matter if you are the smallest in the community ( due to, educational attainment, financial lack/poverty, etc) you will always be accepted and treated equal as a brother.

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